
Howard Clinton Tibbitts had “the eye” as many photographers today would call it. Being uniquely ahead of his time in both awestriking and powerful captures, he found a way to portray the world in the likes of which no city dweller had ever seen before. These captures show a history of the Earth that many have rarely seen with their own eyes.


These historical forms of travel may long be filed away in the National Archives, but their influence on today’s travel plans was instrumental. Trains were once an anticipated event for the family, cars were a novelty, and boats rolled with the waves.

Structures & Architecture

Among the vast archives of Howard Clinton Tibbitts, photographs of cottages, cabins, and various unique structures have a strong influence in his repertoire.

Early Western Life

Although there are no known photographs of Howard Clinton Tibbitts at this time, he loved posing individuals and groups for portraits. He had a unique ability for showing people in their comfortable and natural states.


The Panama-Pacific International Exposition has been running for just of 100 years. It originated as a “City within a City”, years ago. It was a way to bring globalization, innovation, and creativity together.

Mission Series

The Mission Series is a collection of photographs taken and compiled by HTC on throughout his years. He dedicated a large portion of his photography to the people and heritage of the American Southwest, in this case, particularly the Spanish Missions and their caretakers and visitors.

Navajo Indians

Howard Clinton Tibbitts spent a substantial amount of time in the Southwest with the Navajo Indians. One may even say he was fascinated by the culture and Earthen nature of these peoples. He traveled with them, observed them, and when time to do so, he photographed them. With the utmost respect, he brought to light the love and creativity of this otherwise unknown culture.


Howard Clinton Tibbitts was uniquely fascinated by the aspects of farming and the unique bond intrinsic between nature and human beings. From citrus to wheat, he remained ever observant for the ability to show the life of a farm hand.